Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How To Make Saturated Salt Solution

In our lab, we use saturated salt solution to test the effects of salt concentration on behavior of freshwater organisms.

Make saturated salt solution:
DI water

***Stir until no more salt is dissolving. Add more salt if no more salt left, add water is too much salt left. The final solution should have a little salt at the bottom indicating that the salt solution is saturated.

1.      A saturated solution is a solution that contains the maximum amount of solute that is capable of being dissolved.
2.      At 20°C, the maximum amount of NaCl that will dissolve in 100g of water is 36.0g. If any more NaCl is added past that point, it will not dissolve because the solution is saturated.

One beaker of 1L saturated salt solution (with a little undissolved salt at the bottom):

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